Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers

Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers

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Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers

Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers

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Regular price $75.00
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Variant Variant total Quantity Price Variant total
Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers
18" PROD (for hay in stacks or large bales)830-3
18" PROD (for hay in stacks or large bales)830-3
$75.00/ea $0.00
Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers
36" PROD (for hay in stacks or large bales)830-4
36" PROD (for hay in stacks or large bales)830-4
$92.00/ea $0.00
Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers
10" PROD (for baled hay, use w/H4 handle)830-2
10" PROD (for baled hay, use w/H4 handle)830-2
$70.00/ea $0.00
Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers
12" PROD (for hops)830-5
12" PROD (for hops)830-5
$85.00/ea $0.00
Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers
SHORT PIN PROD (for chopped hay and windrows)831
SHORT PIN PROD (for chopped hay and windrows)831
$48.00/ea $0.00
Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers
LONG PIN PROD (for seed and grain in bags)832
LONG PIN PROD (for seed and grain in bags)832
$64.00/ea $0.00
Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers
$110.00/ea $0.00
Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers
ELECTRODE HANDLE (must be used with probes)H4
ELECTRODE HANDLE (must be used with probes)H4
$80.00/ea $0.00
Prods for Hay and Straw Moisture Testers
9 1/2" INSULATED PIN PROD (for Hops)30EC
9 1/2" INSULATED PIN PROD (for Hops)30EC
$110.00/ea $0.00

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Product subtotal: $0.00

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The following electrodes may be attached to the connector on top of the G-7 to check moisture of grain and seed in bags, or in hay.

#830-2 10" Prod ? for testing standard and high density bales (requires H4 Handle)

#831 Short pin prod ? for testing hay in the windrow (requires H4 Handle)

#832 Long pin prod ? for testing grain in bulk (requires H-4 Handle)

#H4 Handle ? mounts to the connector on the top of the meter to use with the #830 series electrodes.