Office Tester and Cleaner

Office Tester and Cleaner

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Office Tester and Cleaner

Office Tester and Cleaner

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Office Tester and Cleaner
Clipper Office Tester, 115V, 60HZ, 1/6HP Motor - Comes with 2 Screens of Your Choice400/B
Clipper Office Tester, 115V, 60HZ, 1/6HP Motor - Comes with 2 Screens of Your Choice400/B
$5,389.00/ea $0.00
Office Tester and Cleaner
Back Air Catchall with Removable Trays for Clipper Tester400BACT
Back Air Catchall with Removable Trays for Clipper Tester400BACT
$560.00/ea $0.00
Office Tester and Cleaner
Back Air Catchall for Clipper Office Tester400BAC
Back Air Catchall for Clipper Office Tester400BAC
$368.00/ea $0.00
Office Tester and Cleaner
Additional Perforated Metal Screen for Clipper Office Tester400SM
Additional Perforated Metal Screen for Clipper Office Tester400SM
$100.00/ea $0.00
Office Tester and Cleaner
Perforated Metal/Wire Mesh Screen, Special Sizes for 400400SMWS
Perforated Metal/Wire Mesh Screen, Special Sizes for 400400SMWS
Call for pricing $0.00
Office Tester and Cleaner
Extra Wire Mesh Screen for Clipper Office Tester400SW
Extra Wire Mesh Screen for Clipper Office Tester400SW
$100.00/ea $0.00
Office Tester and Cleaner
Clipper Office Tester with V-Belt Guard, 230V, 50HZ, 1/4HP Motor - Comes with 2 Screens of Your Choice400/C
Clipper Office Tester with V-Belt Guard, 230V, 50HZ, 1/4HP Motor - Comes with 2 Screens of Your Choice400/C
Sold out
$6,183.00/ea $0.00
Office Tester and Cleaner
Clipper Office Tester with V-Belt Guard, 230V, 60HZ, 1/6HP Motor - Comes with 2 Screens of Your Choice400/E
Clipper Office Tester with V-Belt Guard, 230V, 60HZ, 1/6HP Motor - Comes with 2 Screens of Your Choice400/E
Sold out
$6,183.00/ea $0.00
Office Tester and Cleaner
Domestic Packing for Clipper Office Tester400/DOM
Domestic Packing for Clipper Office Tester400/DOM
Sold out
$155.00/ea $0.00
Office Tester and Cleaner
Export Crating for 400 Office Clipper Tester (Wooden Crate)400/EX
Export Crating for 400 Office Clipper Tester (Wooden Crate)400/EX
$199.00/ea $0.00

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Product subtotal: $0.00

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Note: Domestic/Export crating must be selected with the items above.

Instruction Manual

Product Literature

Screen Suggestions

The Clipper Model 400 Office Tester & Cleaner offered by Seedburo is an extremely efficient cleaner for office and laboratory use. This machine will provide accurate, dependable performance for small lot cleaning, testing or sampling. It is commonly used in seed plants for sampling large lots of seed for correct screen selection on larger, commercial size cleaners. It is also widely used in university laboratories for agronomy research and testing and flower and vegetable growers use the Model 400 for specialized cleaning, grading and sizing. The Model 400 has a compact, portable design and features an eccentric (shoe) drive that uses two (2) 10" x 15" screens. One top screen for scalping, one bottom screen for cleaning and grading. Perforated metal or wire cloth screens are available in over 175 different sizes. Other features include a powerful bottom blast fan driven by a three-step pulley, adjustable slide on the air intake openings to provide intermediate air regulation and an optional, removable catchall with either removable trays (shown) or solid bottom to catch air screenings.

Net wt. 70 lbs. Actual dims. 25" L (45-3/4" L with catchall) x 17" W x 23" H. Ship wt. 110 lbs. Domestic Dims. 32" L x 24" W x 32" H. Export ship wt. 185 lbs. Export ship dims. 33" L x 25" W x 33" H.


Suggested Screen Recommendations (Size will vary from variety and crop conditions)

  • 14 = 14/64 Round Hole
  • 1/21 = 1/21″ Round Hole
  • 1/13 × ½ = 1/13″ Wide × ½″ Long, Slot
  • 8/64 × ¾″ = Slot

Please specify the 2 screen perforation sizes on your order, they can be added in the comments field.


Barley, plump 9/64 × ¾ 5/64 × ¾
Barley, thin 8/64 × ¾ 1/13 × ½
Buckwheat 14 6/64 × ¾
Canola 8 1/19
Corn, Field 30 14
Cottonseed, acid delinted 18 9/64 × ¾
Cottonseed, mechanically delinted 20 9½/64 × ¾
Flax, large 1/13 × ½ 6
Millet, Proso 8 1/16
Millet, Siberian 6 1/15
Milo, Maize 12 1/12 × ½
Oats, large 18 1/14 × ½
Popcorn 19 11
Rice, unhulled, long grain 14 1/16 × ½
Rye 12 1/16 × ½
Safflower 11/64 × ¾ 6/64 × ¾
Sesame 1/20 × ½ 6 × 24
Sorghum 10 1/15
Spelt (Hulled) 16 5 × ¾
Spelt (Unhulled) 20 6 × ¾
Sunflower, Black Oil 20 11
Sunflower, Large Stripped 28 13
Wheat, plump 14 5½/64 × ¾
Wheat, thin 12 1/13 × ½
Wheat, Durum 16 6½/64 × ¾
Alfalfa 1/14 6 × 24
Clover, Crimson 1/13 6 × 22
Cranberry Beans 30 16/64 × ¾
Great Northern Beans 24 11/64 × ¾
Kidney Red Beans 28 14/64 × ¾
Lima, Baby Beans 30 19
Lima, Large Beans 48 26
Pinto Beans 24 10/64 × ¾
Black Turtle 20 9/64 × ¾
Austrian Winter Peas 17 10/64 × ¾
Black-eyed Peas 24 11/64 × ¾
Canada Field Peas 18 9/64 × ¾
Chick Peas, Garbanzos 26 12/64 × ¾
Soybeans, Small 2800-3200 Seeds Per Pound 18 10/64 × ¾
Soybeans, Medium 2500-2800 Seeds Per Pound 20 11/64 × ¾
Soybeans, Large 2200-2500 Seeds Per Pound 24 12/64 × ¾
Lentils 7/64 × ¾ 11
Birch Black 14 6
Cedar Red 1/18 × ¼ 6
Fir, Douglas 15 1/15 × ½
Juniper 22 8/64 × ¾
Locust, Honey 20 12
Locust, Black 10 6
Pine, Norway 9 1/13
Spruce, Black 1/13 6 × 24
Asparagus 12 9
Beet, California 20 8
Broccoli 7 20 × 20
Cabbage 7 1/17
Celery 1/17 30 × 30
Cucumber 17 9
Carrot 6 6 × 28
Muskmelon 16 9
Onion 9 1/15
Pepper 17 6/64 × ¾
Radish 9 1/14
Spinach 8 1/15
Squash 34 22
Watermelon 24 16
Basil 6R 6 × 24
Cumin 10 6 × 28
Mustard, Dark 1/15 6 × 22
Pepper, Whole Black 17 6/64 × ¾
Aster 8 6 × 28
Black-eyed Susan 18 × 18 6 × 36
Calendula 12 6
Daisy 1/18 × ¼ 6 × 26
Marigold 1/15 × ¼ 6 × 34
Petunia 1/24 50 × 50
Tobacco Seed 26 × 26 60 × 60



Round Holes (64ths of an inch) Oblong Holes Square Holes Wires/Sq. Inch Triangular Holes
Inches MM Inches MM Inches MM 10x10 9/64 or 5½V
1/25 1.016 1/26 x ½ 0.98 x 12.70 32/64 12.700 12x12 10/64 or 6V
1/24 1.058 1/25 x ½ 1.02 x 12.70 14x14 11/64 or 6½V
1/23 1.102 1/24 x ½ 1.06 x 12.70 15X15 12/64 or 7V
1/22 1.153 1/23 x ½ 1.10 x 12.70 16x16 17/64 or 9½V
3/64 1.190 1/22 x ½ 1.153 x 12.70 18x18
1/21 1.200 3/64 x 5/16 1.191 x 7.938 20x20
1/20 1.270 3/64 x ½ 1.19 x 12.70 22x22
1/19 1.336 1/20 x ½ 1.270 x 12.700 24x24
1/18 1.410 1/19 x ½ 1.34 x 12.70 26x26
1/16 1.587 1/18 x ¾ 1.410 x 19.050 28x28
1/15 1.691 1/18 x ½ 1.410 x 12.700 30x30
1/14 1.813 1/17 x ½ 1.494 x 12.700 32x32
1/13 1.953 1/15 x ½ 1.691 x 12.700 34x34
1/12 2.116 1/15 x ¾ 1.69 x 19.05 36x36
6 2.381 4½/64 x ½ 1.785 x 12.700 38x38
2.579 4½/64 x ¾ 1.785 x 19.050 40x40
7 2.778 4¾ x ¾ 1.890 x 19.050 45x45
2.976 4⅞/64 x ½ 1.934 x 19.050 50x50
3.080 4⅞/64 x ¾ 1.934 x 19.050 55x55
8 3.175 5/64 x ½ 1.984 x 12.700 60x60
3.373 5/64 x ¾ 1.984 x 19.050 3x20
3.470 5.25/64 x ¾ 2.080 x 19.050 4x18
9 3.572 5½/64 x ½ 2.182 x 12.700 4x19
3.770 5½/64 x ¾ 2.182 x 19.050 4x20
3.870 5.8/64 x ¾ 2.300 x 19.050 4x22
10 3.969 6/64 x ½ 2.380 x 12.700 6x18
10½ 4.167 6/64 x ¾ 2.380 x 19.050 6x20
10¾ 4.270 6/64 x 1-1/32 2.380 x 26.160 6x22
11 4.366 6½/64 x ¾ 2.579 x 19.050 6x24
11½ 4.564 7/64 x ¾ 2.778 x 19.050 6x26
11¾ 4.660 7.25 x ¾ 2.88 x 19.050 6x28
12 4.763 7½/64 x ¾ 2.972 x 19.050 6x30
12½ 4.961 8/64 x ¾ 3.175 x 19.050 6x32
13 5.159 8/64 x 1 3.18 x 25.4 6x34
13½ 5.357 8/64 x 1¼ 3.18 x 31.75 6x36
14 5.556 8½/64 x ¾ 3.373 x 19.050 6x38
14½ 5.754 8½/64 x 1¼ 3.37 x 31.75 6x40
14¾ 5.850 9/64 x ½ 3.57 x 31.75 6x42
15 5.953 9/64 x ¾ 3.527 x 19.050
15½ 6.150 9/64 x 1¼ 3.57 x 31.75
16 6.350 9½/64 x ¾ 3.770 x 19.050
16½ 6.548 9½/64 x 1¼ 3.77 x 31.75
17 6.747 10/64 x ¾ 3.969 x 19.050
17½ 6.945 10/64 x 1¼ 3.969 x 31.75
18 7.144 10½/64 x ¾ 4.17 x 19.050
18½ 7.342 10½/64 x 1¼ 4.17 x 31.75
19 7.541 11/64 x ¾ 4.366 x 19.050
19½ 7.739 11/64 x 1¼ 4.366 x 31.75
20 7.938 11½/64 x ¾ 4.564 x 19.050
20½ 8.136 11½/64 x 1¼ 4.564 x 31.75
21 8.334 12/64 x ¾ 4.763 x 19.050
21½ 8.532 12/64 x 1¼ 4.763 x 31.75
22 8.731 12½ x ¾ 4.961 x 19.050
22½ 8.929 12½ x 1¼ 4.961 x 31.75
23 9.127 13/64 x ¾ 5.159 x 19.050
23½ 9.330 13/64 x 1¼ 5.159 x 31.75
24 9.525 13½/64 x ¾ 5.357 x 19.050
24½ 9.720 13½/64 x 1¼ 5.357 x 31.75
25 9.922 14/64 x ¾ 5.556 x 19.050
25½ 10.120 14½/64 x ¾ 5.75 x 19.050
26 10.319 15/64 x ¾ 5.953 x 19.050
26½ 10.520 15½/64 x ¾ 6.15 x 19.050
27 10.716 16/64 x ¾ 6.350 x 19.050
27½ 10.910 16½/64 x ¾ 6.55 x 19.050
28 11.113 17/64 x ¾ 6.747 x 19.050
28½ 11.310 17½/64 x ¾ 6.95 x 19.050
29 11.509 18/64 x ¾ 7.144 x 19.050
29½ 11.710 18½/64 x ¾ 7.34 x 19.050
30 11.906 19/64 x ¾ 7.541 x 19.050
30½ 12.100 20/64 x ¾ 7.939 x 19.050
31 12.303 21/64 x ¾ 8.33 x 19.050
31½ 12.500 22/64 x ¾ 8.731 x 19.050
32 12.700 22½/64 x 1 8.93 x 25.400
33 13.100 23/64 x ¾ 9.13 x 19.050
34 13.949 24/64 x ¾ 9.525 x 19.050
34½ 13.690 28/64 x ¾ 11.110 x 19.050
35 13.890 30/64 x ¾ 11.910 x 19.050
35½ 14.090 32/64 x ¾ 12.700 x 19.050
36 14.287 36/64 x ¾ 14.29 x 19.050
38 15.081 N/A 2.15mm x 20mm
40 15.875 N/A 2.25mm x 20mm
42 16.669 N/A 3.75mm x 20mm
44 17.460 N/A 4mm x 20mm
46 18.260 N/A 4mm x 23mm
47 18.650 N/A 4mm x 31mm
48 19.050 N/A 4.25mm x 20mm
50 19.840 N/A 4.25mm x 31mm
52 20.640 N/A 4.35mm x 20mm
54 21.430 N/A 4.35mm x 31mm
55 21.83 N/A 4.4mm x 20mm
56 22.225 N/A 4.4mm x 31mm
57 22.620 N/A 4.5mm x 20mm
64 25.400 N/A 4.5mm x 31mm
31.750 N/A 4.75mm x 20mm
N/A 5.5mm N/A 4.75mm x 31mm
N/A 7.5mm N/A 5.25mm x 20mm
N/A 10mm N/A 5.25mm x 31mm
N/A 5.5mm x 20mm
N/A 5.5mm x 31mm
N/A 5.75mm x 20mm
N/A 5.75mm x 31mm
N/A 6mm x 20mm
N/A 6mm x 23mm
N/A 6mm x 31mm
N/A 12mm x 30mm