International Grain Tester - GAC2500-INTL

International Grain Tester - GAC2500-INTL

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International Grain Tester - GAC2500-INTL

International Grain Tester - GAC2500-INTL

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Regular price $7,300.00
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Seedburo introduces the Dickey-john model GAC2500-INTL as the next generation of grain moisture testers which utilizes the newest technology (149 MHz) to provide precise results that track closely to Air Oven methods. Reducing the number of grain calibrations required to deliver precise moisture results is the key benefit of this technology. This model will accommodate special calibrations specifically developed for specialty crops such as walnuts, almonds, and coffee. 

The GAC2500-INTL reduces your analysis time at the grain terminal by using a quick, easy to use touch screen operator interface and provides improved data storage and share processing. The analysis time as been reduced due to the improved mechanics and flow through design, especially important during busy harvest seasons. Features included are built-in hopper sensors which sense when enough grain is present for testing, automatic dump feature, flow through design, automatic test weight measurement and display. The infrared temperature sensing capabilities extends the traditional limited range of sample temperature and allow you to measure frozen and hot grain accurately with repeatable measurement in some of the coldest regions.

The GAC2500-INTL options make it suitable for many European and South American countries and the tester can display in any of the following languages: Danish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Russian, French, Czech, Slovak, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Serbian, Hungarian, Romanian or Polish.

Actual dimensions: 14" L x 19" W x 17" H,. Ship Dims24" L x 20" W x 21" H.
Net Wt: 34 lbs., Ship Wt: 36 lbs.

GAC-P25 Printer
Actual dimensions: 8½" L x 6¼" W x 6¾" H, Ship dimensions: 15" L x 151" W x 11" H. Net weight: 8 lbs., Ship weight: 10 lbs.

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