Sequential Precision Divider

Sequential Precision Divider

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Sequential Precision Divider

Sequential Precision Divider

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Regular price $3,697.00
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Some grain inspection tests require a very small sample but a faultless analysis is closely linked to accurate sample handling and only a fully representative sample of the initial material can provide meaningful analysis results.

The Sequential Precision Divider ensures a fully representative sample of the entire quantity of a sample and thus the reproducibility of the analysis. This divider is ideal for Mycotoxin testing, performing visual grain inspection, malt
germination test, or any other application where a small representative sample is required. Not suitable for large grain such as Corn, Sunflower or edible Beans.

The divider consist of five high-precision divider sections that each split the sample into two halves providing a subsample of 3.125% of the original sample size to be used for a variety of tests and analyses. The top funnel holds up to 1 liter (33.81 oz) and is it is suitable for small grains such as Rice, Wheat, Barley, Rapeseed (Canola) or Oats. If a larger sub-sample is desired, the divider can be used with fewer divider sections and if additional sub-samples are required, run the sample again after removing the first sub-sample. The system is gravity driven and has no moving parts.

The transparent divider sections make it easy to verify that no sample is remaining in the divider removing the risk of sample cross-contamination. The divider is fast, easy to use and easy to clean.

The representative sub-sample for grain quality testing is obtained in less than 15 seconds. Simply pour in the sample into the top funnel, open the shutter to let the sample fall through the divider by gravity, when ready, open the receiving tray to retrieve the representative sub-sample from the measuring cup. The rest of the product passes into the receiving tray.

Net wt: 8.82 lbs, Actual dims: 11.5" (L) x 11.5" (W) x 24" (H), Ship wt: 15 lbs, Ship dims: 27" (L) x 16" (W) x 12" (H).